Welcome Scholars,
Each year, the Quarles Humanities and Social Science Institute awards three one-year Fellowships to doctoral students to complete their dissertations. Quarles Graduate Fellowships are for one year (summer to spring), beginning August 1 and ending May 31, and they may range from $3,000 to $5,000. Quarles Fellowships may not be applied toward tuition and fees, and they may include stipends to devote summer time to research.

Eligibility: Graduate students enrolled in doctoral programs in the humanities and social sciences at Morgan State University, are conducting dissertation research that focuses on African-American or African Diaspora cultures, and are within two years of completing the dissertation are eligible to apply for the Quarles Graduate Fellowship.
Funded Fellowship Activities and Requirements: Applicants for Quarles Graduate Fellowships may propose a variety of activities and projects associated with their doctoral research: travel to research centers or libraries, travel to conduct interviews or to consult with professionals and experts, attendance at professional conferences related to the area of research, purchase of research equipment or data, stipends to fund research during the summer, etc. All projects should lead clearly to the timely completion of the dissertation.
Quarles Graduate Fellows are required to complete the activities and to achieve the goals and objectives of their project. In addition, on the completion of their project, they are required to keep the campus abreast of the progress of their project through a periodic report presented in the Quarles Institute Newsletter and website.
Selection Criteria: Applications for the Quarles Graduate Fellowhip will be evaluated on the basis of: the overall quality and scope of the proposed project; the anticipated impact of the proposed funding on the dissertation research and the completion of the dissertation; the likelihood of achieving the stated aims and objectives; the approval by the faculty adviser or dissertation committee chair; the justification for the proposed budget; and the overall benefit of the proposed project to achieving the goals of the Mellon Grant.
The deadline for applications for the Quarles Graduate Fellowship for the following summer/academic year is: April 1 of the preceding academic year.
Please send Cover letter, C.V., references, three-to-five page research proposal, project budget, and letter of suppourt from faculty advisor/dissertation commitee chair:
Patricia Dockman Anderson, Ph.D.
Director of Publications & Library Services
Maryland Historical Society
201 West Monument Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
410-685-3750 x 317

To request more information:
Contact the Admissions Office
Mon-Fri 8am - 4pm
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